Have a question? See if it’s answered below….

If not just send me an email and I will answer as best I can, as soon as I am available : email Emily here

How do I schedule a consultation?

Email Emily, at illustrationinitiative@gmail.com and she will send you the consultation package options.


How do I select and pay for a consultation package?

Email Emily at illustrationinitiative@gmail.com and she will answer any questions you may have, and get you signed up. She will e-mail you back with an online survey, and a consultation agreement. All payments go through Paypal for consulting, and Teachable for the course.


Are you an agent or publisher?

No. The services offered here are to help you get noticed by agents and publishers, but the Illustration Initiative is not an agent or publisher. Emily was an agent prior to her role here.

Can I add on additional services after I have chosen a package? Or Can I upgrade my package part way through?

Yes! We are happy for you to upgrade or add additional services at any point during, or after your consultation period.


Can you help me with personal marketing?

Yes, we offer a Digital Portfolio Evaluation, where we help with everything from image selection/curation, to revitalizing your website and social media choices, to updating your biography to help you get more work.

Email Emily: illustrationinitiative@gmail.com to ask about this special consultation, not listed on our website services.


How long do the consultations take?

Each package takes a different amount of time, and is tailored to work with your schedule. We know you have a lot going on in your life, and you are taking this time for yourself to advance your passion as a career. They last between 1 month - 3 months on average.


Can I work with you if I have an agent or if I am already a successful illustrator?

Yes! Absolutely. We can help you boost your portfolio, benefiting all parties involved. We can help your portfolio become stronger for you to use at your agency. We can help you progress into higher/better paid jobs through targeted portfolio enhancement. And we can even help you create a new portfolio with a new style you have been wanting to further develop. There is always room to grow and evolve, and it’s a definite need in order to stay in with the current and ever changing market of #kidlit publishing!


How do I join the Online Course?

Email Emily at illustrationinitiative@gmail.com to find out about more options for enrollment. Picture book course is currently closed.


How long does the Online Course take?

I suggest giving yourself a couple hours a week over 4-9 weeks. However, we know people are very busy! So we made the course self paced, that way you can take as long as you need, and work on your own schedule, for up to 1 year from enrollment.


Can you downgrade a consultation?

Unfortunately, no. From the moment you send in your portfolio, 3-5 hours of time are devoted to your portfolio just on the first review alone. At this point the job has begun. However we are sure this will give you many great insights and it is worth sticking with it!


Are there Refunds?

No. There are NO refunds for the Consultations and the Course. Everything takes so much time, and are valuable resources that a lot of care and knowledge went into, and that time and care can not be refunded, so thus no monetary refunds are available. Thankfully we have never had a request for a refund, so we feel everyone has thus far been happy with their results! Check out our testimonials or I can refer you to other illustrators who have benefitted from this experience.
